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Akira Tozawa seems excited WWE let him ditch the ninja suit

After his match against Baron Corbin on Raw last Monday, Akira Tozawa tweeted this.

It became clear what the former Cruiserweight and 24/7 champion meant when he worked the Main Event taping before Raw last night (Nov 21).

While taking on NXT’s Grayson Waller, Tozawa was back in his old ring gear. Word that he was no longer wearing the black gi he used throughout his run in the now-defunct 24/7 title scene barely had time to get around the internet before the 37 year old from Kobe, Japan was back on Raw, sporting his new/old look and still tormenting Corbin & his manager JBL.

Today, Tozawa’s letting the social media world know he’s no longer a ninja.

He still looks to be in a mostly comedic role, but it’s a role Tozawa clearly has an affinity for — and he’s managed to stay on screen throughout his WWE run, which is no small accomplishment, no matter who is heading up creative. It’s also not like Triple H is going to reunite him with Kevin Owens and book their old Nightmare Violence Connection indie tag team to take the belts from The Usos.

So we’re gonna be happy the man got to steal JBL’s hat, and just let him enjoy picking out his own clothes again.

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