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Yes, Angel Garza shoved a rose up Drew Gulak’s butt on Raw

Angel Garza is a former NXT Cruiserweight champion. He spent a decent stretch of 2020 in the Raw Tag title scene, and went over Andrade when their team split up.

Since then, Garza’s been on Main Event, and shows up whenever WWE decides to do a battle royal. But mostly he’d disappeared, as guys who are under 6’ 4” or that Vince McMahon allegedly “doesn’t get” often do.

Recently, the handsome 28 year old’s been getting a few minutes here and there on Raw (or in Raw-related web exclusives) to hand out his roses to mostly uninterested ladies. And last night, he actually got to get in the ring!

And he won! He beat Drew Gulak! Then he fulfilled a promise to stick one of his roses where the sun don’t shine... with extreme prejudice.

WWE’s YouTube

Forget the rose. He kicked that man in the taint!

Like so much of what happened on the May 3 Raw, I’m not sure how I feel about this. The talented Mexican Superstar is at least on the verge of another push. I wouldn’t put money on “roses up butts” being the gimmick that keeps him on TV, but you’ve got to start somewhere.

And I’ve long been a defender of Drew Gulak’s right to get paid to show off his impressive comedy chops while using his prodigious in-ring skill as a coach at the Performance Center. But this seems like a bridge too far. If it really helps get Angel Garza over though...

What do you think, Cagesiders? Want to see Garza kick more roses up more butts on Raw?

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