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CM Punk was backstage at Raw today in Chicago, per report

WWE is just outside of Chicago, Illinois for Monday Night Raw this evening and a local decided to drop by for a visit and hang out backstage. That local?

None other than current AEW star CM Punk.

That’s according to PW Insider, who report Punk was backstage visiting with “several WWE talents” and he even briefly saw Triple H, who he famously couldn’t get along with before he left the company all the way back in 2014. There’s no word on who exactly it was he was visiting with at the show.

Also interesting to note is that apparently Vince McMahon asked that he leave the arena, possibly because he’s still under contract to AEW, and when asked Punk did exactly that.

This is interesting timing, considering recent word that he will be making his return to AEW television soon enough. It’s also interesting that WWE is promoting a HUGE announcement from Triple H tonight, though that’s surely unrelated.

It’s just a fun bit of timing.

Punk surely still has friends who work for WWE, so the fact that he would visit while they’re in town seems harmless enough.


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