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CM Punk REALLY didn’t like Miz mocking his WWE Backstage premiere

The original shots have been deleted, but nothing is ever really gone from the internet. Certainly not CM Punk telling Miz to “go s*** a blood money covered d*** in Saudi Arabia”.

Let’s back up. The incident started when the WWE on Fox Twitter account posted a clip of The A-Lister talking to the camera after his appearance on the Jan. 7 edition of FS1’s WWE Backstage. He remarked that he felt it was the best episode of the show ever, and bantered with Renee Young & Paige about others that might have been better. While none of the options offered specifically mentioned Punk, Miz still said:

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t ‘change the culture,’ My bad. My bad”

That quote was highlighted in the tweeted video.

Punk saw this, and quote tweeted a response to Miz. All the posts are now deleted, but here’s a screenshot:

via Wrestling Inc.

Well alrightee then. That escalated quickly. Kind of seems like there might be some history here, no?

As a fan of both guys, I’m not sure what to think. Other than... damn. And that Fox & UFC employee Punk might find the footing on his moral high ground isn’t as firm as he might think.

Miz hasn’t commented, and I doubt we’ll hear any of the parties speak of this again.

But “never say never” and all that. These are guys who could have a heck of a worked shoot feud if they ever wanted to. The list of potential Punk programs just keeps growing, doesn’t it?

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