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Cup of coffee in the big time: Daniel Bryan and the battle between fans and the machine

WWE & E! Entertainment’s ‘SuperStars For Hope’ Event At The Beverly Hills Hotel Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images for WWE

WWE is a frustrating thing to love. There’s the strange booking decisions, the politics, the often too-long shows. But there are also the men and women we love to see ply their trade on the biggest stage in the business and the constant hope this time they’ll get it right.

While fans just want to see the performers they enjoy get the opportunities they feel are deserved, the reality is, there’s just so little control in the hands of the wrestlers.

Daniel Bryan explained that in an interview with IGN.

“(My goals are) not along the lines of ‘Okay, time to main event WrestleMania 35!’” Bryan said. “It’s not stuff like that. Creating goals like that are very difficult in WWE and can often leave you disappointed because you don’t have control over a lot of things. The one thing I do have control over is my performance.

“And so I have artistic goals I’m trying to reach and places I’d like to go with my wrestling and my character. And even that sometimes is going up against the creative machine and what they want for you vs. what you want for yourself. That’s a constant whirlwind and back-and-forth trade off and whatnot. So I do have those types of goals but they’re not main eventing WrestleMania or winning the Rumble or things you don’t have any say in.”’

Bryan’s commitment to his craft is what earned him a place in fans’ hearts and drove him to the point where he could main event WrestleMania.

The “creative machine” is what gives us Roman Reigns against the wishes of most and Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar yet again against the wishes of everyone.

But Bryan serves as the constant reminder of how fans can shift the way that machine operates. The way a wrestler and the fans can connect and build momentum to cause change, not through the use of silly online petitions or Twitter hashtag campaigns, but through undeniable reactions.

And so, we have something to cling to as the thing we love bashes us over the head with the things we hate.

We hope. And we appreciate the art.

It’s almost SummerSlam weekend! I don’t have a better lead in to this, but let’s just remember how awesome Tyler Bate is.

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