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Eva Marie, the last true heel, and arguably one of the greatest professional wrestlers to ever live, will finally be making her long awaited return to WWE.

Word first started going around that this would be the case all the way back in October of last year. There were an awful lot of teases of as much, and one as recently as just a few weeks ago, but no real indication from WWE that anything was coming anytime soon.

Then, during this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, out of nowhere, like a gift from the gods, a video aired showcasing Eva Marie asking if she has our attention:

“I’ve been thinking about where I’ve been and where I’m going. Do I have your attention now? Good. You know, on the road of life there are twists and turns but I have always tried to be the one in control of my own life and the independence that comes with it. But part of that is giving back. Now I have your attention. I want to be someone others look up to. I want to influence others to go after their own ambitions, like I did. So, I’m back where I started. This is Eva-lution.”

Soon can’t get here soon enough.

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