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The handsomest tag team in wrestling is back for the summer in AEW

When Jungle Boy and HOOK teamed up to form the unstoppable duo of JungleHOOK way back on the January 11 episode of Dynamite, AEW said it was for one night only. It didn’t take long for AEW to go back on its word, as popular demand for the best-looking tag team in wrestling called for them to team up again just a couple weeks later.

Fast forward to June, and JungleHOOK reformed on last night’s (June 7) episode of Dynamite for a victory in a Texas Tornado tag team match against Dralistico and Preston Vance.

So, what’s the long-term plan here? Was last night’s match another one-off, or is JungleHOOK here to stay this time?

Jungle Boy didn’t waste much time in answering that question. According to Boy, the summer of JungleHOOK is upon us:

Jungle has previously vowed to win singles gold in AEW in 2023, so spending the next few months as a team might be an admission that he’s not quite ready to achieve that goal. But what if this whole thing is a setup for a Boy heel turn and pursuit of HOOK’s FTW championship? There’s been plenty of fan speculation about that possible scenario.

On the surface, JungleHOOK definitely has what it takes to make a run for the AEW world tag team titles. Jungle has previously won those belts, HOOK is undefeated, and both men are ridiculously handsome. That sounds like a winning combination to me.

How far do you think JungleHOOK will go as a tag team this summer in AEW, Cagesiders?

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