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Mansoor didn’t want his long winning streak to end like that

Mansoor walked into his debut match on Raw this week (May 3) on a winning streak of 49 matches. That streak came to an end in classic WWE fashion, with Humberto Carrillo attacking his opponent, Sheamus, thereby causing a disqualification.

Speaking with TV Insider, Mansoor talked about his winning streak.

“I was having those matches on 205 Live and felt I was getting momentum. Then someone pointed out [that] if I include the NXT live events in Florida before the pandemic I would be on a 25-match win streak. I had no idea. I didn’t want to put too much attention to it because I didn’t want to brag. I wanted to keep my head down, work, and be humble. Then it got to 45 and people started to report about it. I was hoping it didn’t end anticlimactically.”

Mansoor didn’t want his streak to end in an anticlimactic manner. I’d say it doesn’t get much more anticlimactic than losing by disqualification in a five minute non-title match.

But Mansoor is trying to look on he bright side of WWE’s questionable booking decision to end his streak and then have Sheamus obliterate him with a Brogue Kick after the match was over:

“Sheamus was an excellent opponent to start with, a trial by fire. He is the hardest-hitting, toughest guy in the company — I think a lot of people know that. It was a way for me to prove I did belong and can take a beating and still get up.”

Mansoor’s winning streak didn’t mean much at all considering how much of it took place on unimportant shows like 205 Live and Main Event. But it was right there sitting in WWE’s lap for them to try doing something remotely interesting with it. They couldn’t be bothered to come up with an interesting idea, and instead opted to get rid of it right away.

I don’t have a good feeling about what that means for Mansoor going forward on Raw.

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