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Another underutilized WWE wrestler cuts a great promo online

Since her partnership and storyline with Alexa Bliss was resolved in a sub-five minute match on Raw in November, Nikki Cross has been relegated to Main Event. There, she’s swapped wins in quick programs with the team of Lacey Evans & Peyton Royce and RETRIBUTION’s RECKONING.

With the Royal Rumble approaching, the two-time Women’s Tag champ is looking to build some momentum. And since WWE hasn’t given her meaningful television time in almost two months, Cross did what many of her peers have done when faced with the same treatment - uploaded a fiery promo to Twitter.

It’s telling that not only are so many Superstars left with nowhere to connect with fans but online spaces, but also that their most compelling storyline is them vs. the company and the doubts working for the company has instilled in them.

Cross is one of the most versatile performers on the WWE roster, capable of playing a berserker or a best friend, working heel in Last Woman Standing matches or babyface in tag ones. Will showing off her serious side with a self-pep talk on social media lead to people remembering that? And will any of those people be able to book her on Raw?

We’ll see.

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