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Sheamus is feuding with WWE referees over the SmackDown Screwjob

When the dust settled on the latest meat-slapper between meaty men GUNTHER & Sheamus on SmackDown last night (Oct. 7), Der Ring General was still Intercontinental champion.

He retained through good old-fashioned cheating, using the Celtic Warrior’s own shillelagh while referee Jessika Carr was distracted by the brawl outside the ring (they don’t call Butch & Ridge Holland The Brawling Brutes for nothing). But moments earlier when Sheamus had his Austrian nemesis locked in the Cloverleaf, GUNTHER smacked the mat twice before he was able to grab the ropes.

WWE’s YouTube

Sheamy and a whole lot of fans thought he’d won the Intercontinental belt for the first time, but Carr waved off the tap out. Guess who’s not happy about it?

Carr defended herself when quote-tweeting WWE’s video of the non-tap, but Sheamus isn’t buying it...

The ref crew is sticking together, and Jason Ayers explanation is little better than his colleague’s...

Sheamus hasn’t responded to Ayers, but something tells me that’s not gonna be good enough for the Irishman...

... or the WWE Universe...

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