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Tony Khan’s huge ROH announcement includes Stokely Hathaway

Tony Khan is full of announcements. Just when you think he’s run out of material, another huge announcement comes rolling in. The latest breaking news from Khan’s mouth involves Ring of Honor.

During ROH TV, Khan took to the stage to announce that ROH will form a board of directors. Khan is a busy man as matchmaker of AEW and ROH, so he decided to delegate administrative responsibilities to the new board of directors. This crew will have carte blanche, but Khan will still have final say.

So, who did Khan pick? Introducing Stokely Hathaway and Jerry Lynn.

Hathaway promised not to disappoint Khan. This new job title plays back into the social media story of Hathaway redecorating Khan’s office. Hathaway smoothed that incident over by promising to be on his best behavior.

Later in the ROH TV episode, Hathaway had some ideas to improve the show. Big Stoke overheard Action Andretti acting confident toward the Embassy, so he suggested that Action wrestle the entire Embassy alone. Khan tweaked that idea to make it a six-man title match for the Embassy to defend against Andretti, Darius Martin, and AR Fox next week. Hathaway also suggested no more lucha libre on the program. Khan shut that idea down and introduced the main event of Fenix versus Gravity, which stole the show as the best match.

Between Hathaway and Lynn, it seemed like Hathaway would be the troublemaker of the two. It turns out that Lynn is already in hot water, if you believe Hathaway’s gossip.

What’s your take on the new ROH board of directors?

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