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Tony Khan will tell us the site of the first Collision next week

Today (May 17) was one of the greatest days in AEW history. That’s how owner/president/booker Tony Khan opened his remarks on tonight’s Dynamite.

Those remarks were promised as follow up to the big announcement this morning that AEW will launch a new Saturday show, Collision, starting on June 17. We’ve been hearing about that announcement for a while, and there have been reports it would take place in Chicago’s United Center to welcome back Chi-town’s own CM Punk.

But as you know if you’ve been on the wrestle web for the past 12 hours or so, things don’t seem to be going smoothly with Punk’s return. So instead of announcing him or the June 17 venue, TK instead told us about the next five Collision sites after the premiere.

We’ll learn where they’ll be on June 17, and maybe whether or not they still plan to subtitle that show “The Second Coming”, next week.

Here are those dates, four of which appear to be live shows:

AEW’s Twitter

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