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Rampage does its best numbers since April

All Elite Wrestling

The ratings are in for Aug. 12.

Rampage continued to rebound after all-time worst numbers two weeks ago. AEW’s Friday night offering was watched by 528K, and scored a .17 rating among 18-49 year olds. That was 13% improvement in both metrics over the Friday before. What’s more, both were Rampage’s best numbers since April (8 and 22, respectively). The show finished 10th among cable originals.

SmackDown’s picture is a little more complicated. Due to coverage of NFL preseason games, WWE’s blue show was preempted in 12% of American television homes on Friday, including the Atlanta, Orlando, and St. Louis markets. The show either aired later or on a non-FOX station in places where football was broadcast.

That contributed to a roughly 7.5% week-to-week decline in viewers (to 1.93 million) and a 10% drop in the demo rating (to .44). Despite those drops, SmackDown was still the top rated show on television.

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Numbers via Showbuzz Daily

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