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Rampage rating rebounds nicely after record low

Elsewhere in Aug. 5 wrestling TV news, SmackDown’s numbers dipped again, but still gave WWE & FOX the highest rated show on all of television.

All Elite Wrestling

The ratings are in for Aug. 5.

AEW’s Friday night show is coming off some historically bad numbers, while WWE’s been riding a wave of excitement with Triple H taking over creative. Strangely enough, the show that improved on July 29’s ratings wasn’t SmackDown, but Rampage.

A live show gave Rampage an audience of 468,000 (25% better than the Friday before) and a .15 rating among 18-49 year olds (a 36% week-to-week improvement). Competition wasn’t terribly impressive to kick off a summer weekend, but AEW shot all the way up to fifth among cable originals.

Despite being a SummerSlam fallout episode with Roman Reigns advertised, SmackDown’s numbers dropped for the second week in a row. Of course, the peaks their falling from were pretty high — the edition that aired hours after Vince McMahon “retired” on July 22, but declines are declines. Viewership was down a little less than 5% from last Friday, coming in at 2.09 million. The demo number of .49 was a more than 5% dip... but WWE and FOX aren’t sweating those figures since the blue brand remained the highest rated show on television by a comfortable margin.

Can AEW hold that audience for a pre-taped show? Will the surprise ending of SmackDown bring people back this Friday?

Let us know what you think, ratings watching Cagesiders.

Numbers via Showbuzz Daily

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