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Seth Rollins tries to figure out why the new World Heavyweight Championship exists

After Roman Reigns unified the WWE Championship and the Universal Championship over one year ago at WrestleMania 38 and signed a new part-time deal with WWE, the Raw brand was essentially left without a top men’s champion.

WWE stuck with that model for one full year. Plenty of folks thought Cody Rhodes would be the guy to finally beat Roman and get the championships back into full-time hands, but it wasn’t meant to be. With the Tribal Chief continuing on as the double champ after this year’s WrestleMania 39 event, Triple H appeared on TV and announced that Roman’s dominance and part-time status pretty much forced WWE’s hand in creating a new world heavyweight championship for Raw.

This summarizes one plausible explanation for why the new world heavyweight championship exists; nobody is good enough to beat Roman and he’s not around much, so a new title needed to be created.

During an interview on Mark Andrews: My Love Letter to Wrestling, Seth “Freakin” Rollins leaned more towards the WWE roster’s depth and talent level when attempting to figure out why the new belt that he’s holding exists.

Here is what Seth had to say about it, when asked about the perception that the new World Heavyweight Championship is more of a work rate title than something at the level of Roman Reigns’ WWE Universal championship.

“I think just kind of calling it the work rate title is a little bit underselling it. You know? At the end of the day, the title exists because our roster is so chock-full of talent, right? There’s just too much to have one champion that’s not around very much. And so, I think the fact that we have so many worthy contenders, people that could hold this championship, I think that is the reason the title exists.

If we had a weak roster, and things weren’t good, and stuff wasn’t hot, it’d be a different story. It might be fine just to have one champ who wasn’t around and didn’t want to make live events. But that’s just not the case. We’re selling out left and right. We’re hot from here to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Paris, France, Mexico City, it doesn’t matter. We’re just selling out left and right. And we need to have a world heavyweight champion on the men’s side to represent that level of competition.

And so, I think we’re going to put in the work to build this title to be as big as any championship in wrestling. And we’re not naive to think that we don’t need to put in that work. We know that it needs to happen. But, like I said, you’ve got the roster, and the guys and the crew who are willing to put in the time to make it feel as big as it is.”

Do you agree with Seth that the new world heavyweight championship exists because WWE’s roster is too loaded for there to only be one part-time top champion on the men’s side?

Sound off in the comments below, Cagesiders.

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